Though Legend and Teigen split up their parenting responsibilities, they do occasionally require help from Teigen’s mother Vilailuck a.k.a. “Yai” — and according to the model, Luna tries to use that to her advantage.
“[Luna] will ask Yai — my mom — if something’s okay and she’ll say ‘no,’” Teigen says. “Then she’ll come to me and expect a different answer. I’m like, ‘No, we’re all in this together. Sorry, we’re on the same page. If Yai says you need to apologize for this, I’m gonna say the same thing.”‘
“I’m not gonna hold you and coddle you through it,” Teigen adds. “So we’re all pretty good about having open conversations about things with Luna and being on the same page.”
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Despite sharing “bad guy” roles, Teigen acknowledges that Legend is
“He’s definitely easier,” Teigen tells PEOPLE. “But I’ll be like, ‘Oh, you’re having string cheese for dinner. Okay, well, it’s 20 minutes until dinner, now you’re gonna be full.’”
“And when you talk to the kids you’re really talking to your husband,” Teigen jokes. “You’re like, ‘Well, you shouldn’t have had that 20 minutes before dinner because Mommy is making fish sticks, but I guess you’re gonna be a little full now!”
Of course, it’s not always about discipline for Legend and Teigen, who currently star on NBC competition series
During the week, while the power couple works on the same NBC lot, Teigen says they’re able to enjoy some “wild” time with their kids on set.
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“We work a lot, we’re on set a lot. Luckily, our jobs are the kind of place where you can bring your kids and have this life still,” she says. “John and I work on the same lot so we get to see each other a lot. I walk over to
“It’s a whole open indoor set with trailers in this big U shape and this open space in the middle, and it’s just people giving piggyback rides and food and snacks and they’re just running around like kids,” Teigen adds.
And it’s not just seeing Legend that Teigen and Luna particularly love about their family visits to NBC singing competition series. The model also revealed that she loves watching her daughter interact with Kelly Clarkson‘s little girl River Rose, 4.
“Kelly Clarkson has the most wonderful children and her daughter River is like a caretaker. Luna had just met her and it was automatic, it was just so adorable,” she explains of her daughter’s friendship with River.
“And it’s a testament to Kelly because Kelly is so normal and cool… and an amazing, amazing mother,” Teigen says. “I just see [Kelly] reflected in her kids and they’re so wonderful.”
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Being around other children, however, doesn’t necessarily mean Teigen will be catching the baby fever anytime soon.
As a working mom with television gigs, the Pampers line (which is in Target now), two cookbooks, a makeup line, and more, Teigen says a third child may be in the future — but it won’t be an immediate thing.
“It’s definitely not in the cards right now because I feel like I’d miss out on Miles,” she shares to PEOPLE. “Luna was a great age because she was growing up, she was speaking, and we knew that another baby could fit into the mix.”
“And then Miles is just so little, I don’t want to miss out on any of his moments,” Teigen explains. “So I definitely want another child but definitely not now. I think we’re gonna space this one a little longer than the two of them.”