“CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King anchors “Meghan and Harry Plus One,” a CBS News special about a very modern royal couple and the birth of the latest member of the royal family, baby Archie. King traveled to London ahead of the birth of the royal baby, who is the son of American-born Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. 

“Meghan and Harry Plus One” airs this Friday, May 17, at 8 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. CT. It will take a look at the couple’s first year of marriage (their first anniversary is on May 19) and what life will be like for Archie, the first British-American in the line of succession for the British throne. The one-hour special will go behind the headlines and the rumors. Viewers will hear from royal insiders and Meghan’s friends to learn how the couple has adapted to their new lives together and how they have navigated the positive and negative aspects that come with being royal.  
How to watch “Meghan and Harry Plus One”Date: Friday, May 17, 2019Time: 8 p.m. ET/PT / 7 p.m. CTTV channel: Your local CBS stationLive stream: Watch live on CBS All Access or on fuboTV – start a free trial or the video aboveWatch online: Stream on CBSN at 1 a.m. ET and again at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET Saturday or watch hereWhat we know so far about Baby ArchieFull name: Archie Harrsion Mountbatten-WindsorTime of birth: May 6, 2019 at 5:26 a.m.Weight at birth: 7 pounds, 3 ouncesPlace in the line of succession: He is 7th in the line of succession to the throne, after dad Prince Harry and just ahead of great-uncle Prince AndrewCorrection: This story has been updated to reflect that Archie is 7th in line for the throne.

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