Triple H Tweeted the following comment on the news of Jeff Jarrett’s WWE Hall of Fame induction this year:

Born into this business, @RealJeffJarrett not only led a decorated career, but created opportunities for new talent around the world. Congratulations, Double J and welcome to the #WWEHOF.

— Triple H (@TripleH) February 19, 2018

Jarrett’ wife Karen has also Tweeted the following reaction:

Secrets secrets are no fun unless you share with EVERYONE!!! 👏🏼🙌🏼❤Proud of you beyond words @RealJeffJarrett

— Karen Jarrett (@karenjarrett) February 19, 2018

Great Muta Undergoing Surgery

Japanese wrestling legend Keiji Mutoh, aka The Great Muta, announced today on Twitter that due to injuries sustained during his wrestling career he will be undergoing double knee replacement surgery. The following is a translation of a Tweet issued in Japanese:

I was allowed to announce a big decision at the conference today. Knees to the artificial joint. I’m anxious and scared to come back to the ring as a professional wrestler, but I’ll beat it.


— 武藤 敬司 (@muto_keiji) February 19, 2018

ROH Star Challenging for NWA Title

NWA has issued the following along with the latest “Ten Pounds of Gold” video:

Colt Cabana is a two-time NWA Worlds Heayvweight Champion and after James Ellsworth vs. Nick Aldis he was announced to wrestle for Ten Pounds of Gold in April in China Colt Cabana’s history with the NWA Worlds Championship is well known. So with a large audience viewing James Ellsworth vs. Nick Aldis, the eyes of the wrestling world are now on the Aldis Crusade with Ten Pounds of Gold. With opponents like Tommy Dreamer, Crimson, David Star and now Colt Cabana, this Crusade is marching forward across four continents.

Colt Cabana won the National Wrestling Alliance Worlds Heavyweight Championship on two occasions. But hear from his own voice what he felt on his reigns as champion, the ups and downs, plus his opportunity to wrestle for the Ten Pounds of Gold in China.

Footage courtesy of David Marquez, Adam Pearce and United Wrestling Network.

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