WWE Raw Results
February 5th, 2018
Report By Doug Enriquez For ProWrestling.com


Bray Wyatt is on the screen, and he says the the Elimination Chamber is upon them. Last year he won the championship at the event, and this year he is destined to repeat his destiny. He says his opponent is Roman Reigns, a man who has fallen so far that people no longer recognize him. He has false bravado, but he lost at the Royal Rumble, and his Intercontinental Championship. Bray is willing to put him out of his misery.

Roman is on the screen now, questioning what Bray says, and says that he is not a failure, because he will not stay down. He says that Bray will not stop him, and neither will the Elimination Chamber, and neither will Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania.


Wow, surprising that this match is kicking off the show! The men circle the ring, sizing each other up, and then go for a collar & elbow tie up, before Bray hits a knee to the midsection of Roman Reigns. Roman reverses an Irish Whip and then hits a shoulder tackle on Bray Wyatt. Bray gets up and charges at Roman, but Roman moves, and Bray hits the turnbuckle, stops, and bends backwards in an eerie way that stops Roman Reigns in his tracks. Roman comes in, but Bray is able to get a boot up, knocking Roman to the ground, and then Bray locks in a sleeper hold.

Roman Reigns gets back to his feet and fights out and follows it up with a set of big clotheslines.  Bray rolls out of the ring, and Roman follows him, circling to hit the drive by, but Bray has it scouted and counters with a big clothesline of his own, stopping Reigns in his tracks. Bray picks him up and sends him right into the steel steps.

Bray puts Roman back in the ring and locks in a rear chin lock on Roman, and Roman is in the middle of the ring. He has to fight out, and meanwhile, we see Matt Hardy looking on from the back. Roman finally fights out and hits Bray Wyatt with a Samoan drop. Bray gets up in the corner, and Roman starts to hit Bray with multiple clotheslines, until Bray catches one, goes for the uranage, but Roman counters, sends Bray into the ropes and Bray comes back to hit a vicious elbow onto Reigns.

Bray has the advantage, and puts Roman on the turnbuckle to hit a superplex, and says “Anyone but you, Roman”, and then Roman is able to hit Bray with a series of clotheslines before slipping out and hitting a sitout powerbomb onto Bray. Roman goes for the cover and Bray kicks out at two. Roman sets up for the Superman punch in the corner, drives in, and Bray catches him and hits a crazy Uranage. Bray follows it up with a senton and goes for the cover, but Roman kicks out at two!

Bray at this point picks up Roman and sets him up for Sister Abigail, but Roman counters and rolls up Bray for a cover, but Wyatt kicks out, and Roman recovers and hits a Superman Punch, but Bray is able to kick out at two! Both men get up, and Bray catches Roman in a surprise Sister Abigail, Bray goes for the cover, 1….2…………Roman kicks out! Wow, that one had me fooled. Bray cannot believe it and neither can I.

Bray picks Roman up, and sets up Roman for another Sister Abigail, gives Roman a kiss on the forehead, but Roman fights out, and bounces off the ropes and hits a spear to beat Bray Wyatt! Inevitable ending, but a great match.

Winner: Roman Reigns

After the match, Bray is lying in the ring and can’t believe it. Suddenly we see Woken Matt Hardy behind Bray, and he starts to laugh. Bray senses Hardy’s presence, turns around, and walks right into a Twist of Fate. Hardy gets up and the crowd chats “DELETE” with him.


Backstage, Jason Jordan is with Seth Rollins, and Seth asks him if he is ok and Jason Jordan assures him that he is ok, and he is medically cleared. Rollins says ok, because he can’t have what happened at the Royal Rumble happen again, and Kurt Angle has already stated that this is the last opportunity that they will have at the Bar, and for the tag team championship. He says for them to reclaim their tag TEAM championships.

(continued on next page…)

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